, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Warehouse Specialist At NERHADOU International

Warehouse Specialist At NERHADOU International

Warehouse Specialist At NERHADOU International

Warehouse Specialist At NERHADOU International

 #NERHADOU International for pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals.

Due to our expansion, we are hiring : Warehouse Specialist


1-Liaise with the production team to ensure timely supply of materials.
2-Work with quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) teams for material inspections and approvals. Performing a daily inspection of the warehouse cleaning activities.
3-Ensure adherence to workplace safety standards.
4-Identify and report potential risks related to the storage and handling of raw materials.
5-Implement measures to prevent contamination or spoilage of raw materials.
6-Properly segregate and dispose of expired or non-conforming materials.
7-Maintain records of material disposal in line with regulatory guidelines.

Applying candidate should be:

- Bachelor’s degree of Science (chemistry).
- From 0 to 1 years’ experience in warehouse operations.
- Must be a resident of 6th of October or Giza, or nearby areas
