, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Safety Vacancy At CIRA Pharma

Safety Vacancy At CIRA Pharma

 Safety Vacancy At CIRA Pharma

Safety Vacancy At CIRA Pharma

CIRA Pharma ( Badr city Factory ) is Hiring In Quality Assurance Department(#QA) the Following Position ( QHSE Specialist )

▪️Job Requirements

- 1-3 years of experience as HSE Specialist at Pharmaceutical Company
- Bachelor Degree
- Certified in Occupational Health and Safety (OSHA).
- Certified health and safety specialist.
- Strong knowledge of local and international health and safety regulations.
- Excellent leadership and management skills.
- Experience in handling incident reports and investigations.
- Proven experience in developing and implementing emergency plans and risk management strategies.

Applying by send your cv at