, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Project Engineer At Youssef Allam

Project Engineer At Youssef Allam

 Project Engineer At Youssef Allam

Project Engineer At Youssef Allam

Youssef Allam is seeking to hire "Project Engineer" with the following requirements:
-Responsible for making WBS structure for project.
-Designing Gantt chart.
-Ability to collaborate with different departments.
-Responsible for making weekly and final reports about his work

Required Qualifications:

-Bachelor’s degree of Mechatronics, Electrical or Mechanical Engineering.
-Exp.: 0- 1 year as Project Engineer.
-Self-motivated with very good communication skills.
-Excellent time management skills.
-Very good command of English language and Microsoft Office, especially Excel and Power BI.
-Microsoft Project and AutoCAD knowledge is a plus.
Location: Salah Salem-Obour Buildings
If interested, send your CV with a recent photo to: and write in job subject:
Project Engineer -code 68
any CV without code will be discarded
