, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Methodology Specialist At Egypt Otsuka Pharmaceuticals

Methodology Specialist At Egypt Otsuka Pharmaceuticals

 Methodology Specialist At Egypt Otsuka Pharmaceuticals

Methodology Specialist At Egypt Otsuka Pharmaceuticals

Egypt Otsuka is hiring now :

Methodology Specialist

Main Qualifications:

-Experience: from 1 to 3 years of experience , Experience in Methodology is a must.
-Education: Bachelor Degree in Science, Major Chemistry /Bachelor Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
-Good background in Analytical Method Development, method Validation, method transfer and Nodcar file preparation.
-High attention to details
-Dedicated person
-Able to work under pressure
-High follow up
-Work location:10th of Ramadan - company is providing transportation
-Attractive package
for the interested candidates please send your cv to