, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 QC Supervisor At Delta Pharma

QC Supervisor At Delta Pharma

 QC Supervisor At Delta Pharma

QC Supervisor At Delta Pharma


Job Description:

1- Supervise and Follow up requirements for registration sector by the CTD system and others, including all certificates of analysis and specifications of raw materials and finished products.

2- Follow up all certificates of analysis related to the preparations that are requested from the export department externally.

3- Follow-up and processing of all monographs and specs that are required from the registration and export sector externally, and related to the re-registration of products internally in the Egyptian Ministry of Health.

4- Follow up all the working standard materials that are required from the registration and export sector.

5- Supervise Process Validation for all “Finished Products” such as (Tablets, Capsule, Semisolid and Sterile).

Applicants should possess the following qualifications to go through initial screening:

BSC. Of Pharmacy or Science.
Scientific, Numerical and Technical Skills.
Very Good communication skills.
High accuracy, alertness, precision in working with described tools & methods system.
5 to 7 years of experiences.

Apply Here
