, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Lab Supervisor At KOKI-Americana EGYPT

Lab Supervisor At KOKI-Americana EGYPT

 Lab Supervisor At KOKI-Americana EGYPT

Lab Supervisor At KOKI-Americana EGYPT

Koki is looking for a high-caliber:

Lab Supervisor

Job Summary:
- Responsible for operating the 10th of Ramadan plant. in general, especially the chemical and microbiological lab., and carrying out the required tests in this field.
- Responsible for conducting all chemical and microbiological examination tests.

To qualify for the role, you must have:
- Faculty of Science or Veterinary Medicine or Agriculture.
- 3 to 5 years of experience in the food industry.
- Preferred Certified HACCP.

Basic information:
- Organization Structure/ Reporting to: Quality Section Head.
- Job Location: 10th of Ramadan Plant.

Apply Here
