, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Internship Program At Hikma Pharmaceuticals

Internship Program At Hikma Pharmaceuticals

 Internship Program At Hikma Pharmaceuticals 

Internship Program At Hikma Pharmaceuticals


We are glad to announce the Internship Program 2024. 


Here’s your opportunity to apply for HIKMA Egypt internship program 2024, Applicants can apply to one of the following functions: 

Finance, Banking & Accounting

Supply Chain Management

Pharmaceutical Production Engineering

Supply Chain Management:

Calculating and reporting the KPIs for production lines to detect the production achievement against production plan.

Control the flow of the work through manufacturing.

Reviews and releases paperwork to ensure production can start processing without delays, downtime and with correct components.

Follow up materials delivery to check it to be sure it will be completed on time.

Follow up materials release with QC and QA .


Pharmaceutical Production Engineer:

Assist in the management of cGMP documentation.

Assist in conducting daily tier meetings between operators, engineers, and managers.

Collect and analyze operational data to drive productivity.

Work on continuous improvement activities that help to improve the current operation processes and systems.

Actively participate in group meeting discussions and continuous improvement. Collaborate with colleagues whenever possible to achieve both operational and project goals.


Finance, Banking & Accounting:

Shadowing members of the accounting department as they perform their duties.

Assisting with research, filing, data entry, and recording and maintaining accurate and complete financial records.

Working with bookkeeping software.

Learning how to work as part of the accounting team to record and analyze data, track information, and support the company or clients.

Taking an additional tasks or projects to learn more about accounting and office operations.


Start date: 4 February 2024

Internship duration: 5 months

Submission Deadline: 31 December 2023.

Locations:  6th of October City (transportation and meals are covered).

Internship Requirements:

Undergraduates (expected graduation within two years).

Previous experience either through student activities or internship can be a further advantage.

Apply On Company Site
