, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 QC Chemist At MIDO Coating Company

QC Chemist At MIDO Coating Company

 QC Chemist At MIDO Coating Company

QC Chemist At MIDO Coating Company

MIDO Coating Company is looking for a “Q.C Chemist” for a Full time Job with the below details:

- Bachelor’s Degree of Science
- 0-3 Years’ Experience.
- good command of English & Computer skills.
- Alexandria Resident.
- Preferably Male
- Good Package.
- 5 working days (from 8-4) & 2 days off.
- Work Location: Borg El-Arab city
If interested please share your resume on:
with a subject line of “Q.C Chemist”