, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Procurement Engineer At Arma Soap and detergents

Procurement Engineer At Arma Soap and detergents

 Procurement Engineer At Arma Soap and detergents

Procurement Engineer At Arma Soap and detergents


Search on new suppliers continuously introduce new suppliers to get better prices on the market to maintain the stability of supplying high quality materials with best market prices.
Negotiate with suppliers on lead-time, cost and quality so as to obtain the maximum benefit for the company.
oversee the purchase of technical equipment for industrial operations.
Develop, lead, and implement business cost reduction strategies throughSourcing to improve our cost position without sacrificing quality
Enter order details (e.g. vendors, quantities, prices) into internal databases

Job Requirement:

• Bachelor Degree ln Engineering (Mechanical-Industrial) or relevant
• Experience from 1 to 3 Years in Procurement with manufacturing background
V. Good in English
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