, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Open Vacancies At MultiCare Egypt

Open Vacancies At MultiCare Egypt

 Open Vacancies At MultiCare Egypt

Open Vacancies At MultiCare Egypt

Due to our expansion at Multicare Egypt for Pharmaceutical Industries, we are excited to announce the following job openings:

1. Production Specialist
• Requirements: Pharmacist with 3 years of relevant experience.

2. Senior Packaging Specialist
• Requirements: Pharmacist or Chemist with 5 years of relevant experience.

3. Microbiology Specialist
• Requirements: Pharmacist or Chemist with 3 years of relevant experience.

4. Compliance Specialist
• Requirements: Relevant experience needed not less than 2 years.

How to Apply:

📧 Send your updated resume to:

📝 Please mention the position you are applying for in the email subject line.
