, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Regulatory affairs Specialist At Phileopharma company

Regulatory affairs Specialist At Phileopharma company

 Regulatory affairs Specialist At Phileopharma company

Regulatory affairs Specialist At Phileopharma company

We Are Hiring!
Regulatory Affairs specialist

Job Description:

- Prepare, assemble, and present the documentation required by regulatory authorities to register the company's new products and maintain existing registrations.
- Maintain regulatory files in a format that meets requirements.
- Ensure proper documentation, tracking, and storage of regulatory documents.
- Serve as a regulatory representative in several internal committees.

Job requirements:

- Bachelor's degree in science or a related field.
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply.
- Excellent written and spoken English skills required.
- Proficient in Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Our office is located in Sheikh Zayed city

To apply, send an email to
Please mention the job in the subject line.
