, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Microbiologist At FRIDAL Egypt

Microbiologist At FRIDAL Egypt

 Microbiologist At FRIDAL Egypt

Microbiologist At FRIDAL Egypt

Microbiologist At FRIDAL

Location: Wosta, Beni Suef

Job Description

Control and check personal hygiene.
Follow up the calibration and validation of different equipment’s in lab.
Ensure the good quality of the production steps by ensuring and running all needed test.
Follow up the microbiological analysis of finished products as well as starting materials and environmental samples according to specs.
Follow up the microbial limits at sun dry product and control all process from harvest to get drying product.
Monitoring water quality at PO station.
Prepare daily reports
Location: Beni Suef, Transfers are available to and from Cairo

Job Requirements

From 2 to 4 year of working experience in the quality field.
Working experience in food industries is preferred.
Computer Skills, Communication Skills, and English Skills.
Suitable educational degree ( BC of Science “ Microbiology ” )
Food Safety and HACCP Knowledge.
