, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Summer Internship Program At Incorta Egypt

Summer Internship Program At Incorta Egypt

 Summer Internship Program At Incorta Egypt

Summer Internship Program At Incorta Egypt


Exposure working for an industry leader in Data Analytics within a fast-paced environment opportunity to work with a high-performing team
If you are keen to build your career with us, apply today!


To ensure we keep our promise of providing ongoing opportunities to our young talents, Incorta Egypt has decided to launch its 2023 Summer Internship.
This chance at Incorta will help you gain hands-on experience in an exciting and challenging work environment to help you launch your career.
The Internship is aimed at Second, third & fourth-university students who are willing to work full-time for a period of 3 months.


Computer Science students or any relevant studies
Second, Third, or 4th Year University Students.
Strong communication skills in English
Agile talents are ready to take steps toward their careers quick learners, able to do their own study and manage their time to complement their role.
Demonstrate keen creative and problem-solving abilities.
Participating in TopCoder, CodeJam or ACM context is a plus
Having an open-source contribution on GitHub is a plusScala and Python as programming is a Plus, Java is a must
