, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Summer Internship Program at Altawakol for Electrical industries N.T.T

Summer Internship Program at Altawakol for Electrical industries N.T.T

 Summer Internship Program at Altawakol for Electrical industries N.T.T

Summer Internship Program at Altawakol

We are happy to announce Our Summer Internship Program for 2023. If you’re a motivated college student or Fresh grad interested in new experience, then we encourage you to apply.
This internship is a great opportunity to build your professional career.

What we will offer:
- Continuous coaching & mentoring.
- Dynamic and respectful work environment.

We are looking for:
- Students graduating 2022, 2023.
- Bachelor degree.
- Egyptian Nationals.
- Committed to spend min. 3 months during their internship.
- Passionate to learn.
- Like to bring creativity & innovation to the work.
- Have strong analytical and critical thinking skills.

Internship Details:

For applying please send your CV
