, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 R&D Specialist At Evagro Food-Eva Group

R&D Specialist At Evagro Food-Eva Group

 R&D Specialist At Evagro Food-Eva Group

R&D Specialist At Evagro Food-Eva Group

We are hiring!
"R&D Specialist" to join our R&D Department at Evagro for Food Industries (Wadi El Natrun - Sadat City)

Job Requirements:

- 0-2 years of experience in R&D of food industries.
- Bachelor's Degree in relevant field (Food Science, Chemical, Agricultural, Biological or Food Engineering).
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English
- Strong understanding of principles of food chemistry and ingredients functionality is desirable.

If you are ready and your capabilities are matching the mentioned above criteria, Submit your CV through
and mention the job title “R&D Specialist”
