, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 PROMETEON TYRE Group Egypt Internship

PROMETEON TYRE Group Egypt Internship

PROMETEON TYRE Group Egypt Internship

PROMETEON TYRE Group Egypt Internship

"Prometeon Tyres Alexandria Factory" Would greatly like to announce "Summer Training Program College Undergraduates Students" at Business Track & Industrial Track at July 2023 and August 2023 Rounds.

-Business Track (1st Round 10/7/23 & 2nd Round 21/8/23)
-Industrial Track (1st Round 17/7/23 & 2nd Round 14/8/23)


For company’s employees' first- and second-degree relatives students, make sure you write your relative name, relative CO. ID number, & Relative Relationship (MUST DO).

##Application will be considered cancelled if any data was missing OR inaccurate details where provided.##

## SEATS ARE LIMITED .. 1st applied and meeting criteria will be 1st enrolled in the program ##

## Program Rules##
- Alexandria resident students only.
- Undergraduates college students only not graduating in 2023.
- Accumulative overall grade 3.5 or V.good
- Excellent English Commands is MUST.
- Certificates of the program will be collected on last day after 100% attendance of all sections & completing project.

## Only selected candidates will be communicated via email and whatsapp group with all the details so make sure your data are correct & reachable AND you will have to provide training letter from college ##

Apply Here
