, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Available Vacancies At Raya Foods

Available Vacancies At Raya Foods

 Available Vacancies At Raya Foods 

Available Vacancies At Raya Foods

About Raya Foods:

Raya Foods is one of the subsidiaries of Raya Holding For Financial Investments. Raya Foods acquired The International Union for Integrated Food Industries’ factory - that has been operating in the market since 2006 - offering a wide variety of frozen fruits and vegetables to the Egyptian local market covering the basic day-to-day product range as well as new innovative food solutions that are catered to consumers’ needs.

Available Vacancies At Raya Foods

Raya Foods is currently seeking to hire the below positions:
1- Quality Assurance Section Head.
2- Production Engineer.
3- Customer Excellence Engineer - Quality Assurance.
Location: Sadat City.
If you're interested, please send your resume to mentioning the job title in the subject line.
