, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 HSE Senior Engineer At Royal Herbs

HSE Senior Engineer At Royal Herbs

 HSE Senior Engineer At Royal Herbs

HSE Senior Engineer At Royal Herbs

Royal Herbs is currently hiring for our sites Farms & Factories the following position:-

1-) #HSE_Senior_Engineer ( Factory Sadat, Menofya )
2-) #HSE_Senior_Engineer ( Factory Haram, Giza )
3-) #HSE_Engineer ( Wahat Farm, Giza )
- Accommodation is provided for both Wahat Farm & Sadat Factory
- Transportation is provided for all sites
5: 7 years of experience in the same position.
Certified HSE Specialist, Osha, Nebosh, Fir Fighting, Risk Assessment,
A factories background is preferred
Interested candidates are welcome to send their updated CVs to the mentioned email
