, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Business Continuity Management Officer At ALEXBANK

Business Continuity Management Officer At ALEXBANK

 Business Continuity Management Officer At ALEXBANK

Business Continuity Management Officer At ALEXBANK

Essential Skills & Competencies:

Strong communication skills
Strong Documentation skills and MS office
Good analytic skills
Excellent written and spoken English language

Job Duties:

Provide support to all BCM activities, including crisis management, documentation, testing & reporting
Conduct risk assessments for various departments and functions, analyzing potential interruption.
Collaborates with IT department to develop and implement best testing scenarios and improve recovery operations and methods.
Develops and provides staff training on Business Continuity program.
Provide support during Business continuity tests including occasional weekend, and coordinate with for the execution of the annual Disaster recovery test across bank departments.
Provide support on ISP group documentations.
Provide support on bank annual BIA update / review

Apply Here
