, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Outpatient Pharmacist At Saudi German Hospital Cairo

Outpatient Pharmacist At Saudi German Hospital Cairo

 Outpatient Pharmacist At Saudi German Hospital Cairo

Outpatient Pharmacist At Saudi German Hospital Cairo

Outpatient Pharmacist At Saudi German Hospital

Location: New Nozha, Cairo

Job Description

*The post holder holds continuing responsibility for the day to day outpatient pharmacy activities and coordinates on-going work activities for the requisition, preparation, dispensing, control, and record maintenance of pharmaceuticals

*Provide an advanced pharmaceutical care service, including reviewing the prescription and counseling the patient

*Provide pharmaceutical input in line with the strategic direction and business objectives of the CMC and the pharmacy department.

*The post holder will contribute to the updating of nursing and medical staff in the issues pertaining to the medication and Pharmacy

*Follow up on receiving orders

*Dispensing medicines to patient

*Follow up the pharmacy deficiencies

*Adding bills on the computer

*Follow up the pharmacy custody and expiration date

Job Requirements

- BSc. Degree in Pharmacy.

- Good Communication Skills.

-2-4 years of experience in complex healthcare facility (pharmacy chains or hospital)

Current Registration with the Health Profession Council

Apply Here
