, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Junior Operations Geologist At ENI Cairo

Junior Operations Geologist At ENI Cairo

 Junior Operations Geologist At ENI Cairo

Junior Operations Geologist At ENI Cairo

Job Description:

Geological well sitting assistance at rig site.

Quality control the daily rig data.

Well data base management.

Correlation well to well using Techlog or other software.

Preparing well geological program including “coring protocol and well data AFE”.

Wireline logs interpretation.

Creating composite logs using Gravitas or other software and preparing Final Geological report.

Basic knowledge in Pore pressure prediction.

Supporting subsurface in procurement process for contracts.


Job Requirements:

BSc in Geology

Previous experience in the field

Well sitting knowledge.

Fields basic HSE rules.

English language proficiency (spoken and written)

Time Management


New Cairo, Egypt. Office and well site locations when required.

Apply Here
