, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 التدريب الصيفى للطلبة بمجموعة رويال المنيا للاسمنت

التدريب الصيفى للطلبة بمجموعة رويال المنيا للاسمنت

 التدريب الصيفى للطلبة بمجموعة رويال المنيا للاسمنت 

التدريب الصيفى للطلبة بمجموعة رويال المنيا للاسمنت

Believing in our Corporate Social Responsibility, #Royal_Cement_Group is excited to announce the opening of the #summerinternship _Program #2022 for ambitious #undergraduates students to join our Inspiring Experience by offering #knowledge and #learning  #opportunities for #youngtalents and #futureleaders

Internship within the period from 14th of August to 8th of September


#Whom are we looking for……?
* Ambitious undergraduate students with (Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical ) Engineering & Chemistry Science Academic Background

*Please fill out the application form and submit it.
*Applications are followed up with an interview before Joining the Internship program.

 Apply Here 
