, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 R&D Methodology Supervisor At Hipharm Pharmaceuticals

R&D Methodology Supervisor At Hipharm Pharmaceuticals

 R&D Methodology Supervisor At Hipharm Pharmaceuticals

R&D Methodology Supervisor At Hipharm Pharmaceuticals

We are hiring R&D Methodology Supervisor

Requirement :
-Bachelor of Pharmacy or Science. 
-Experience: 3-5 years in pharmaceutical field
-Oversees, development and redevelopment of analytical methods of analysis for new and current products and report the results to the R&D Manage
-Oversees, development of analytical methods of analysis for new non-compendial raw materials and reports the results to the R&D Manager.
-Reviews the analytical method validation protocol and results for all analytical methods of analysis.
-Technology transfer of new analytical methods of analysis for current and new products and raw materials to the QC department.
-Troubleshooting of any analysis issues that arise in QC Department during their routine analytical work and report the results to the R&D Manager.
-Research the physicochemical properties of all active and inactive materials and identify whether these materials are compendial or non-compendial.
-Assist the R&D Formulation Section in the drafting of the specifications of finished products, active and inactive materials.

ONLY applicants possessing the Above qualifications will be shortlisted & notified to participate in the selection process.
Interested Candidates can send their resume to
