, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Production Supervisor at Viatris Egypt

Production Supervisor at Viatris Egypt

 Production Supervisor at Viatris Egypt

Production Supervisor at  Viatris Egypt

Key responsibilities for this role include:

Guiding the direct reports for the execution & Ensuring adherence to production schedule/plan through coordination with other departments/cross functional team & solving moderately complex problems & technically support within his area of expertise.
Responsible for the performance of his respective area in the dimensions of Safety, Quality/compliance, Supply, Financials and People.
Ensure achieving team goals including as targeted OEE & All key performance indicators for through cascading objectives to direct reports & efficient resources utilization.
Responsible for SOPs and any other production related documents update/review.
Ensure him/team compliance with good documentation practice.
Participate in his area Quality/Safety investigations, changes & ensure implanting actions on time.
Ensure complete team/area adherence to SOPs, MBRs and any other instructions.
Ensure team/area compliance with cGMP (including data integrity/ALCOA principles), MOH & other regulatory requirements.
Conduct employee training in equipment operations or work procedures.
Manages the performance of direct reports through goal setting, ongoing assessment & development, coaching with continuous feedback, appraising & recognition in addition to talent retention.
Reporting of abnormalities and incidents.
Ensure proper status labeling of equipment’s / area at all stages of production lines.
Participate in screening, interviewing, and hiring new operators/workers.
Nourish continuous improvement culture within his team and lead by example.
Develop and maintain company values within the team in day-to-day communications/activities.
Lead any assigned task/job from his manager.
Delegate for Production section head in case of his absence.

The minimum qualifications for this role are:

Pharmacy bachelor’s degree or its equivalent.
1–4 years of relevant experience in the pharmaceutical industry or a related field, preferably with production experience in solid dosage forms.
Ability to effectively communicate within a diverse group resulting in desired outcomes.
Team player, with strong interpersonal and coaching skills.
Good verbal communication and ability to coach and provide guidance to others.
Demonstrates strong technical/functional knowledge needed to coach direct reports on day-to-day activities.

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