, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Call Center Pharmacists At EL Rezeiky Pharmacies

Call Center Pharmacists At EL Rezeiky Pharmacies

Call Center Pharmacists At EL Rezeiky Pharmacies

Call Center Pharmacists At EL Rezeiky Pharmacies

 EL Rezeiky Pharmacies is Hiring

Call Center Representative "Pharmacist Only"


- Receiving and filling prescriptions

- Communicating with medical professionals about patients and their medications

- Listening to patients’ reports of symptoms and provide suggestions for over-the-counter medications

- Accurately measuring, preparing and distributing proper medications to the patients that need them

- Keeping track of inventory

*Skills and Qualifications:

-Graduates faculty of Pharmacy (2018- 2020)

- Strong communication skills

- Ability to detect and investigate mistakes in a patient’s medications and prescriptions

- In-depth knowledge of drugs and their potential side effects


Cairo - Ramses

Interested Candidates can Send Their Resume to:

