, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Mechanical Maintenance Engineer At Unilever

Mechanical Maintenance Engineer At Unilever

 Mechanical Maintenance Engineer At Unilever

Mechanical Maintenance Engineer At Unilever

Location :6th of October City


To plan, coordinate and execute the maintenance activities of the Factory

Ensure that all the safety requirements and measurements are followed.
Manage the factory Utility assets in a safe, environmentally sound and efficient manner.
Ensuring that all employees under their control are aware of their individual responsibilities, tasks and targets for health and safety.
Raising the efficiency of equipment to produce products with high quality
Managing the engineering and maintenance resource in support of plant safety, quality, cost and efficiency goals.
Increase the availability of machines with high performance
Support and participate actively as a WCM steering committee and support the factory improvements efforts.
Assess the pending maintenance jobs, priorities and plan for the maintenance technician.
Advise the spare part requirements for the Engineering Stores
Undertake the Engineering improvements projects for the Factory
Decrease maintenance cost by:
Studied modifications of weak points
Improved maintenance plan
Develop programs to improve the technical skills, efficiency and effectiveness in the Maintenance.
Supervise and ensure that the maintenance team is performing by the required standards.
Assess the technicians in the trouble shooting whenever necessary.

Bachelor’s degree in Engineering (Mechanical/Mechatronics/Electromechanical)
0 to 3 years of engineering experience in a similar field
FMCG/Manufacturing background is a plus

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