, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Logistics jobs in Noon Egypt

Logistics jobs in Noon Egypt

 Logistics jobs in Noon Egypt 

Logistics jobs in Noon Egypt Egypt is #Hiring for our Logistics department

We have numbers of roles open such as

#Logistics_Associate 0 to 1 year experience 

#Logistics_Team_leader +3 years experience 

#Logistics_Supervisor + 5 years experience 

Location: Abou Rawash 6th of October / Haram / 10th of Ramadan / Obour / Kattamya / Nasr City / Alex

Description :

* Flexible to work in Last mile or sort center operations

* Follow defined SOP and ensure that the team is trained to follow the SOP

* Handle routes of delivery associates and keep a track of their performance

* Monitoring the fleet of vehicles & transporters ensuring on time delivery

* Monitoring driver behavior and ensuring a high level of customer service

* Take initiative to solve day to day problems of the team

Please check out our jobs and see if you fit the description!

