, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 HR Recruiter at Vodafone

HR Recruiter at Vodafone

 HR Recruiter at Vodafone

HR Recruiter at Vodafone


This is a contractor role for 1 year.

The HR Recruiter focuses upon supporting the resourcing function in the delivery of all permanent and interim resourcing requirements for the Customer Care department. Following resourcing procedures and practices to support the resourcing team in activities such as sourcing, recruiting, screening, interviewing and recommending internal / external candidates for all job levels. They have a good understanding of resourcing concepts and procedures to deliver defined resourcing activities. Typically reports to the Resourcing Manager/Supervisor.

Job Responsibility

Follows established procedures and provides support across key administration areas of the sourcing process, working with key stakeholders across the resourcing function;

Positively impacts and supports the resourcing function, through responsibility of administrative duties, posting vacancies, booking interviews and managing the candidate offer process;

Uses judgement based on established precedence and practice to meet resourcing KPIs and ensures a smooth transaction process to support excellent candidate experience.


Proactive Sourcing

Candidate Engagement and Experience

Social Recruitment

Employee Experience

Talent Identification

Job Analysis and Job Evaluation

Leading Organisation Culture and Change

Channel strategy

Strategic Mindset

Recruitment marketing

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