, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 وظائف بنك عودة لحديثي التخرج لذوي الهمم دفعات 2017 حتي 2021

وظائف بنك عودة لحديثي التخرج لذوي الهمم دفعات 2017 حتي 2021

 وظائف بنك عودة لحديثي التخرج لذوي الهمم دفعات 2017 حتي 2021

وظائف بنك عودة لحديثي التخرج لذوي الهمم دفعات 2017 حتي 2021

We believe that equality in employment can be achieved thoughout barrier-free recruitment including supportive management for handicapped. we are pleased to announce that we have opened hiring for people with disabilities for various vacancies across the bank for the purpose of enhancing workplace diversity and innovation throughout unleashing their talents accompanied with the efficient utilization of their valued capabilities.

The hiring criteria as follows:
- Bachelor degree holder(class of 2017,2018,2019,2020 & 2021)
- Maximum age 30
- Team player with sound eagerness to learn

If interested, please send your resume along with the graduation & disability certificates to our official E-mail:
with mentioning graduation year/ university name in the subject to be enrolled in the upcoming assessment center
