, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 SC QC Lab Analyst - El Obour Plant CFI At Pepsico

SC QC Lab Analyst - El Obour Plant CFI At Pepsico

 SC QC Lab Analyst - El Obour Plant CFI At Pepsico

SC QC Lab Analyst - El Obour Plant CFI At Pepsico

PepsiCo is hiring SC QC Associate (Lab Analyst) based in Cairo!

1. Maximum (1-2) years of experience.
2. Food Technology or Agricultural Education (science is preferred).
3. Good Communication Skills.
4. Analytical Thinking / Skills.
5. Accuracy & Attention to Details.
6. Internal / External Customer Focus.
7. Good English language is a must.
8. Technical knowledge of relevant quality standards & products.
9. Knowledge of process involved.
10. Details oriented.

Work Location:
Obour Chipsy Plant.

Apply Here
