, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Raw Material Control Specialist At Pharco B International

Raw Material Control Specialist At Pharco B International

 Raw Material Control Specialist At Pharco B International

Raw Material Control Specialist At Pharco B International



Coordinate & execute raw material lab activities including testing of incoming material consignments, periodic testing of current material stock, new raw material supplier inspections in accordance with pre-established material specification & analysis methods.

Job requirements:

Collect samples & effectively conduct raw materials tests that comply with updated procedures.

Collect samples according to updated sampling practice and ensure protection of bulk raw materials from contamination.

Prepare & monitor chemical reagents & standards & follow up the consumption of chemicals, glasses…etc. to maintain accurate lab inventories & ensure continuous availability.

Collect individual test result & issue raw material certificates of analysis (COA) & ensure proper archiving & traceability for raw data, test print out & any other relevant documentation.

Check received raw material containers for integrity & identity & check shipping documentation to ensure completeness & compliance with PBI specification.

Review periodically raw material database to ensure that expired items are excluded from available inventory & materials subject for retest are hold till confirming its quality.

Assist in equipment & instruments calibration & maintenance to ensure the accuracy of testing & results while complying with related specifications & SOPs.

Coordinate & effectively execute CAPAs while ensuring on time implementation.

Perform right & timely documentation for Change Controls, Deviations, Incidents, CAPA, OOT, Risk Assessments, in view to regulatory guidelines & expectations.


B.Sc. degree in Science with relevant experience.

Years of Experience: 1

Available Vacancies: 2

Job Level: Specialist

Function: QC - Raw Material Control

Apply Here
