, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Quality assurance Specialist At WE Data

Quality assurance Specialist At WE Data

 Quality assurance Specialist At WE Data

Quality assurance Specialist At WE Data

WE Data is currently hiring “Quality assurance Specialist” with the below requirements:


-(0-2) years of experience

-IT/Computer science/Engineering background



-Audit main principles and types 

With the below job responsibilities; 

·        Acts as IT SPOC for:

o   all IT Processes related work with corporate processes management.

-Capture, analyze, design and document the IT functions/operations " activities" and create efficient processes to deliver the best outcome and accomplish business objectives.

-Ensure proper definition of SLAs, OLAs, escalation matrices and KPIs.

 -External and Internal corporate auditing.

-Prepares quality documentation and reports by collecting, analyzing and summarizing information and trends.

-Responsible for planning and executing frequent audit on processes, procedures, and SLAs/OLAs to ensure operational success.

-Responsible for ensuring policy, process and procedure documentation is relevant and up to date and easily accessible.

-Continually revisit, update and enhance checklists and ensure proper delivery of audit reports.

-Attending meetings with auditees to develop an understanding of business processes

-Conducts formal and informal reviews at pre-determined points throughout the development life cycle

-Preparing reports to highlight issues and problems and distributing the reports to the relevant people

-Following up on the established correction/corrective/preventive action plans, ensuring their effectiveness.

 Manage continuous improvement program by analyzing the findings from internal and external audit programs to the root cause analysis.

· Disseminate culture of quality through quality awareness sessions.

· Providing ad hoc advice and guidance to managers and staff at all levels.

If interested please send your cv on “” with the subject in the title.
