, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 QC Pakaging Material Specialist At Al Andalous Pharmaceuticals

QC Pakaging Material Specialist At Al Andalous Pharmaceuticals

 QC Pakaging Material Specialist At Al Andalous Pharmaceuticals

QC Pakaging Material Specialist At Al Andalous Pharmaceuticals

Job description:
1.Analyze Packaging material entering lab to comply
with standards before release.
2.Prepare chemical reagents used in analysis.
3.Responsible for any deviations in analysis from
4.Prepare trend analysis reports for any activity done in the quality control department

Job Requirements
Bachelor Degree of Science.
Experience from 1:3 years in the same position.
Pharmaceutical experience is a must.
6th October residents are preferably
Apply Now!
If you are Interested, please send your updated CV to:

E-mail subject should contain code QPM001,

Otherwise your CV will be ignored
