, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Content Acquisistion Specialist At WE data

Content Acquisistion Specialist At WE data

 Content Acquisistion Specialist At WE data

Content Acquisistion Specialist At WE data

WE data is hiring "Content Acquisistion Specialist": 

-Search for and analyse the available channels that can be acquired based on quality, viewership and category coverage. 

-Coordinate legal matters in coordination with the legal department to ensure fulfilment of legal requirements. 

-Develop products plans and case studies in coordination with direct supervisor to ensure feasibility and profitability of products. 

-Contact and agree with providers on products details and seek direct supervisor’s assistance whenever needed to ensure all details and considerations are being discussed as needed. 

-Draft required presentations for the review of direct supervisor. 

-Coordinate pre-launching, soft launching and commercial launching campaigns as directed by direct supervisor. 

-Follow-up feedbacks and users’ evaluations to perform needed corrections in a timely manner.

Education: Bachelor degree preferably in Marketing of Communications or business administration.  

Experience: 0-2 years of experience.

Intrested candidates can apply through sending their resmes to & mention "Content Acquisistion Specialist" in the email subject line. 
