, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Planning Engineer At Ridgewood

Planning Engineer At Ridgewood

 Planning Engineer At Ridgewood

Ridgewood, is seeking an impassioned calibers to fulfill the below position:

 "Planning Engineer"

* Caliber shall fulfill the following:

- Assist in preparation of the annual master plan for water and power plants.

- Assist in update the annual preventive maintenance master plan and submitted to all concerned.

- Conduct quality/visual inspection on projects & monitor the items issued. 

- Follow up with the mechanical maintenance department update of annual overhauling plan for the generators.

- Prepare daily operation report. 

- Conduct daily technical meeting at sites & submit meeting minutes.

- Manage biweekly meeting & generate the biweekly plan and activities operation report.

- Revise monthly operation & projects petty cash expenses with O&M work orders and invoices cost in order to be allocated correctly.

- Collect and review the water production monthly balance sheet with daily operation report.

- Collect and review monthly diesel fuel cargo with daily operation report.

- Conduct KPI inspection visits on sites.

- Prepare monthly Summary Report.

- Conduct quarterly assessment visits & plants status report.

- Follow up the PM Plan and & update preventive maintenance implementation on monthly basis.


* Qualifications:

• BS.c of Mechanical Power Engineering

• Governmental Universities only.

• From 0 to 1 years of experience in the same role (Preferred in Water Desalination)

• Strong background in Water Desalination is a must.

• English: Good

• Gender : males only

• Work location: Site-based

• Must have a driving license.

For interested candidates send your CV to by mentioning “Planning Engineer” in the subject
