, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Lab Chemist At Reliance Group

Lab Chemist At Reliance Group

 Lab Chemist At Reliance Group 

Lab Chemist At Reliance Group

We are looking for a Lab Chemist in our Site in Ismailia.

will be Responsible for:

Design & Test chemical processing materials

Sets up, adjusts and operates lab equipment

Perform laboratory tests to determine chemical and physical characteristics

Checking the development of guidelines and specifications for the handling of dangerous chemicals and environmental protection.

Conduct research to develop or improve processes

Handle the development of guidelines and specifications for the handling of dangerous chemicals and environmental protection.

Job title: Lab Chemist

Business Area: Waste Management

Education: Bachelor of Science degree, majoring in Chemistry/Physics

Location: Ismailia, Egypt

Experience : 0 - 3

Apply Here
