, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 HR Generalist At Arma Group

HR Generalist At Arma Group

HR Generalist At Arma Group

HR Generalist At Arma Group

 Arma Group is hiring HR Generalist as follows:-


 -Job Requirements:-

1-Bachelor Degree in Business Administration or related field

2-1 to 3 years relevant experience including at least 1 year in the same position

3-HR diploma is a plus

4-V.Good in English

5-Advanced Microsoft Office (Excel-Word-PowerPoint-Visio)

6-Cairo or Sharqia Resident Is Preferred

 Work location :- 

 10Th of Ramdan-Sharkia(Transportation provided)



1-Update job descriptions for each position in accordance with the structure.

2-Develop plans that work on retention working groups and reduce the turnover rate of employment.

3-Evaluate the performance of employees throughout the year( four quarters).

4-Follow up the development of the performance of employee’s plans and the extent of achieving.

5-Evaluate probation period of the new employees.

6-Solve all problems related to the level of satisfaction. 

7-Collect performance evaluation to extract the TNA models.

8-Distribute and assemble model TNA training needs and collect the data required to prepare the annual training plan (TNA - PA - competencies matrix)

9-Contact with various training centers and get the best prices.

Follow up on Summer training and internships.

10-Develop training aids such as presentation materials, handouts, and workbooks.

11-Design and apply assessment tools to measure training effectiveness.


 If you are interested, please send your CV on :- writing the Job title in the email subject
