, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Egypt Otsuka Pharmaceutical Vacancies -Quality and Production Vacancies

Egypt Otsuka Pharmaceutical Vacancies -Quality and Production Vacancies

 Egypt Otsuka Pharmaceutical Vacancies -Quality and Production Vacancies 

Egypt Otsuka Pharmaceutical Vacancies -Quality and Production Vacancies

 A-Production Pharmacist with below requirement :

1- Graduated from faculty of  Pharmacy. 

2-One to three years of experience in a similar position.

If you are interested please send your CV to with mentioning the title at subject line .

B-QA Inspector - IPC analyst with below requirement :

1- Graduated from faculty of Science or Pharmacy. 

2-Minimum 3 years experience in a similar position

3-Having experience of sterile manufacturing is a must.

4-Welling to work on shifts


If you are interested please send your CV to with mentioning  the title at subject line .

 C-Validation Specialist with below requirement :

1- Graduated from faculty of Science , Pharmacy or Engineering  . 

2-one to three years of experience in a similar position

If you are interested please send your CV to with mentioning the title at subject line .
