, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Treasury Accountant At Hikma Pharmaceuticals

Treasury Accountant At Hikma Pharmaceuticals

 Treasury Accountant At Hikma Pharmaceuticals

Treasury Accountant At Hikma Pharmaceuticals

Title: Treasury Officer

Duties & Responsibilities:

Performing all accounting activities related to Treasury function, including daily petty cash reconciliations, preparing, completing Letters of Credit (LCs) documents and Bills of Collection (BC’s) …etc. Recording transaction entries and generating reports while ensuring compliance with the financial and accounting policies and procedures

Collecting, consolidating financial data from different functions across the company, to be utilized in performing work related reports and documents
Following up on collections with concerned parties, in order to ensure the timely collections and adherence to collection policies and procedures
Reviewing customers’ accounts and files, and coordinating with customers regarding collections and accounts related issues
Reviewing cheques for accuracy, reporting any deviations, and updating cheques file and delivery

Job Requirements:

Bachelor of Commerce, English Section is the must.
Fresh Graduated or One year of experience in similar position.
V. Good Command of English Language.
Excellent in Microsoft Office.
Location: Giza, EG

Apply Here
