, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 IDB Summer Training Program 2021

IDB Summer Training Program 2021

 IDB Summer Training Program 2021

IDB Summer Training Program 2021

IDB is announcing for the Virtual Summer Training Program-2021, that will provide you with full information about various bank departments, functions and the important role of the banking industry.

Such essetial knowledge & information will guide you determining the field that interests you most in your near future, right after graduation.

Summer Program Criterion is as follows:

- Summer Interns must be enrolled in any of the Governmental or Private Universities.

- Interns should be in the Second or Third academic year with minimum "good" grade in the previous year.

Required Documents:

- Faculty Enrollment Verification Certificate

- Copy of National ID, Updated CV, Personal Photo).


Please send us all required documents via e-mail:

Last day for receiving the documents is Sunday 18th of July.

Applicants requests for the program will be considered upon applying first.

Any submitted request after the mentioned deadline won't be taken into consideration.
