, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Application Developer At Oriental Weavers

Application Developer At Oriental Weavers

 Application Developer At Oriental Weavers

Application Developer At Oriental Weavers

Location: 10th of Ramadan City, Sharqia

Job Description

Designs and develops computer programs that automate specific business processes by performing the following duties:

Work collaboratively with team to receive and respond to project requests

Research potential programming needs and required programming languages

Provide programming experience to creatively design software

Utilize industry-accepted testing methods troubleshoot flaws

Work with different teams and departments to ensure code quality

Create reports and present development updates to teams and stakeholders

Customize existing code to ensure efficiency and functionality

Accurately document programming and code changes

Job Requirements

A bachelor’s degree in computer science, computer engineering, programming, or a related field may be preferred for upper-level positions

Certificates in other related areas, such as networking, may be necessary for some applications development

0-2 years of experience for entry-level positions

Proven experience creating applications or other types of software

Up-to-date knowledge of different programming languages, such as C, C+, C++, Java, Javascript, Ruby, C#,, Entity Framework, SQL, ASP.NET, PHP and Python 

Experience working within an Agile software development environment

Ability and willingness to work independently and efficiently

Desire to work collaboratively to ensure effective execution of project deadlines

Strongly detail-oriented with an ability to quickly identify and solve programming errors

Apply Here
