, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 QA Specialist At Nerhadou international

QA Specialist At Nerhadou international

 QA Specialist At Nerhadou international 

QA Specialist At Nerhadou international

#NERHADOU International for pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals.
Due to our expansion, we are hiring: QA Documentation specialist


1-Preparation, Review, Control and Revision of Standard Operating Procedure.
2-Review and Control of Formats and all documents.
3-Preparation, Review, Control and Revision of head files Like(Site Master File, Quality Manual)
4-Preparation, Review, Control and Revision of Analysis Worksheets.
5-Preparation, Review, Approval, Control And Revision of Specifications and Standard Test Procedures.
6-Issue and Control of Batch Manufacturing and Batch Packaging Record.
Responsible for reconciliation of documents.

Applying candidate should be:

-B.Sc. of Pharmacy.
-Fresh Graduated.
-Interpersonal, Hard worker, Leadership Skills, Adaptable, Organized, Computer skills, Integrity and Confidentiality.
Interested candidates should register via the following link:

Apply Here
