تجميعه وظائف لكليات صيدله ،زراعه ، طب ، علوم ، بيطري ، اسنان
1-Pharmacists At Se7etak
Se7etak a healthcare ecosystem company that delivers top-notch personalized solutions to maintain health & wellness
is hiring #Pharmacists.
Do you have good communication skills with customers to gain their trust and loyalty?
Did you help in other medical services such as injections, blood pressure/ temperature measurements etc.?
Did you have experience in stock expiry management?
Do you Comply with all applicable legal rules, regulations, and procedures?
Did you have inventory management experience in receiving and handling stock?
If you have an answer with "YES" for each of the above questions with evidence, we will have the pleasure to receive your application.
To succeed in this role, you should have the following skills and experience:
Bachelor's degree in pharmaceutical sciences.
Proven experience as a pharmacist for 1 to 2 years.
Knowledge of MS Office and Pharmacy information systems.
Excellent communication skills with a customer-oriented approach.
Please send your updated CV to people@se7etak.me
Mentioning ' Pharmacist ' in the subject.
2- Pharmacists At Ezz el din pharmacies
مجموعة صيدليات #عز_الدين تطلب صيادلة للتعيين بفروعها :
- #اسوان ( شيفت #مورنينج) .
- #العاشر_من_رمضان #العبور ( شيفت #افتر) .
- #المهندسين ( شيفت #مورنينج #افتر ).
- #الاسماعيلية( شيفت #مورنينج ).
- #مدينة_نصر #مصر_الجديدة ( شيفت #افتر ).
- #القاهرة_الجديدة ( شيفت #افتر ).
- #المعادى ( شيفت #افتر ).
- #فيصل ( شيفت #مورنينج ).
المميزات :
* مرتبات تنافسية (اسعار ساعة متميزة وبدلات متنوعة).
* تدريبات مكثفة من خلال #اكاديمية_عزالدين لموظفيها .
*عموله اصناف.
*عموله تحقيق.
* ترقيات و مسار مهنى.
للتقديم :
من خلال اللينك :https://lnkd.in/dRqM9eF
أو زيارتنا لأجراء مقابلة شخصية :
مواعيد المقابلات : من الاحد للخميس من الساعة 11 ص للساعة 2 ظهرا
العنوان: عمارة 2 - مجمع الوزرات - خلف سوبر ماركت الباشا ماهر - شارع عمر ابن الخطاب-شيراتون.
اللوكيشن :Mourad Group
Sheraton, Sheraton Al Matar, El Nozha, Cairo Governorate
02 22699209
للإستعلام واتس أب: 01018220037 /01033614611
3- Production Engineers At Spice kingdom
مصنع اعشاب بالعبور يعلن عن حاجتة الي:-
مهندسين انتاج
المؤهل بكالوريوس زراعة
حديث تخرج او خبرة بالاخص في مصانع الاغذية
ذكور فقط
تحديد الموقف من التجنيد
من سكان المناطق التالية ( مسطرد - المرج - الخصوص - بهتيم - الزقازيق )
الشركة توفر انتقالات من و الي الشركة تامينات اجتماعية
عدد ساعات العمل 8 ساعات
الراحة الاسبوعية الجمعة
الراتب الشهري 3000 ج لحديث التخرج و الخبرة يتم تحديدة بعد المقابلة
لارسال ال cv علي الميل التالي :-
مع ذكر المسمي الوظيفي في خانة الموضوع
4-Document Controller At AL Manar Group
AL Manar Group is looking to hire #Document_Controller as per the following criteria:
- Bachelor's degree in any relevant.
- Minimum 3 years of experience in the same field.
-Full awareness and solid experience in maintaining ISO documentation system (9001,45001,14001)
- Responsible for filling and archiving system of all the documents.
- Prepare QHSE reports, mails and letters.
- Excellent command in English.
-Proficient User of Microsoft Office.
Work location: Industrial Zone- 6th of October City.
If you are matching the above criteria and interested, please send us your CV to hr@almanargroup.com with email subject “ Document Controller”
5-Quality Supervisor At Shifa hospital
#Shifa_hospital in New cairo is looking for :
Quality Supervisor
- medical background ( medicine , pharmacy , Dentistry )
- 5-7 years of experience in the same filed .
- 1-3 years of experience in the same filed .
- TQM is preferred
-hospital experience is must .
-Location: New cairo
Interested candidates can send their CVs :
6-Safety Engineer At NPC national pipe company
We are looking for " Safety Engineer "
Location: Badr City
Working hours: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Day off: Fri & Sat
+social insurance + health care +Bus transportation
Egyptians only
Experience : from 3 to 5 years experience working in factories
if you are interested send your resume to
7-Medical representatives At Rameda
"Rameda" one of the top pharmaceutical companies in Egypt is hiring:
Job Title : Medical representatives.
Job Type: Full-time
Location: Cairo
-Matria &Ain Shams
- Imbaba&Mohandseen
Job Requirements:
1- Pharmacy, Vet and Science graduate.
2- Age must not be more than 28 years old.
3- Very good command of English.
4- Good User of MS office.
You can apply by sending your CV to : Abeer.Fathy@rameda.com
with subject ( Area+MR)
8-Medical representatives At Sovalue pharma
Sovalue pharma is seeking for a professional medical representatives in the following areas :
-Cairo East
-Abbassia & kobba
With the following conditions:
-Area resident is preferred
-from 1-2 years experience is a must.
- maximum age 30
- Owning a car is preferred
-Experience in the same therapeutic area is a plus.
Candidate who meet the above criteria are invited to apply to career@sovalueeg.com with area in the subject.
9-Doctors vacancies in multiple specialties At ElAraby Hospital
ElAraby Hospital is #hiring doctors !
ElAraby Hospital announces its need for doctors vacancies in multiple specialties :
1.Plastic Surgery Consultant
2.Chest and Respiratory Consultant
3.Intensive Care Doctor
4.General Surgeon
5.Gynecology and Infertility Specialist
6.Anesthesia Specialist
7.Emergency Specialist
8.Radiology Specialist
9.Internal Medicine Specialist
10.Pediatric and New Born Specialist
Find out the requirements and the responsibilities of required specialities and register in the preferred specialty through the following link:
Deadline for registration is 30/6/2021
10-Jobs and internships in El sedawy pharmacies
فتح باب التدريب في صيدليات السداوي
في فروع مصر الجديدة ومدينة نصر والتجمع الخامس
شيفتات Morning, After, Night
خريجين وطلبه
مدة التدريب شهر + شهادة خبرة
يرجى التواصل علي الرقم التالي كل يوم ماعدا جمعه وسبت من الساعه 9 ص الي 5 م
مطلوب علي وجه السرعه صيادلة لصيدليات السداوي
خريجين من سنة 2014 الي 2019
مكان العمل التجمع الخامس ومصر الجديده
شيفت افتر 4 م الي 12:30 ص
شيفت نايت من 12 ص الي 8:30ص
تأمين اجتماعي
مرتبات مجزية + حوافز
للمهتمين برجاء ارسال ال cv علي الايميل
مع كتابه مسمى الوظيفة
11-Inpatient pharmacist At Shifa hospital
Shifa_hospital in New cairo is looking for :
- 1-3 years of experience as inpatient pharmacist .
-Location: New cairo
Interested candidates can send their CVs :
12-Production Engineer At Eagle Chemicals
We are excited to announce that we are looking for the following position in Eagle Chemicals’ Head Office and Factories:
Production Engineer:
Working conditions: 5 days, rotational-based
Location: 6th of October City
Experience: 0-2 years
Salary: Negotiable
Benefits: Quarter Bonus + Pension Scheme + Private Medical Insurance (Spouse and Kids) + Life Insurance + Accommodation + Transportation.
If interested to join our growing team of professionals, please send your CV to hr@eagle-chemicals.com, mentioning the job title in the subject.
13-Science Teacher at Selah ElTelmeez For publishing & printing
Location:Obour City, Cairo
5 open positions
Be the First to Apply
Job Details
Experience Needed:
1- 3 Years
Career Level:
Experienced (Non-Manager)
Education Level:
Bachelor's Degree
Confidential, Transportation, Term Bonus, Profit Share
Job Description
Subject Matter Expert:
Teaching in KG 1, KG 2 and primary 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.
Facilitating curriculum development and support initiatives of the Phase.
Assists in conducting market researches with the Marketing department.
Assist in competitor's assessments.
Understanding of customer clusters to meet the needs.
Job Requirements
1-3 years of experience.
Bachelor’s degree in any field.
Certificate in teaching from a well-known university preferably international is a plus.
Excellent command of written and spoken English Language.
Excellent Teaching or Educational Consultation experience or worked with International or national Publishers Curriculum.
If you are interested kindly send your updated CV
14-IP Pharmacists At As-salam International Hospital
As-salam International Hospital is now hiring IP Pharmacists for As-salam International Hospital Maadi Branch.
The position required pharma grads with at least 1 to 2 years of experience in pharmaceutical field - Hospital previous experience is preferable.
We are interviewing candidates in an open day "Wednesday, 30th of June, 2021" at As-salam Hospital / Cornish elnile Maadi - 9th floor - HR Department - Recruitment Office.
Please visit us for interview formally "Suit" with your CV if you have the above requirements.
15- Production Vacancies At Orchidia pharmaceutical
Orchidia pharmaceutical located in Oubor is Hiring:
*Production Specialist- Sterile.
*Production Pharmacist - Semisolid
-Bachelor degree in Pharmacy or Science
-2-4 Years of experience is a MUST.
-Excellent English.
if interested Please send your cv on nourhan.amr@orchidiapharmaceutical.com
16-Medical Representative At AUG Pharma - All governorates
AUG Pharma is a leading pharmaceutical company in the Egyptian Market and the fastest growing in the MENA region. AUG Pharma has a state of the art Manufacturing Facility located at the industrial zone, 6th of October city. At AUG Pharma we grant clear career pathway, competitive package & benefits programs, open-door culture and healthy environment.
We are looking for new colleagues;
Position: Medical Representative
Required area: All governorates
Arab nationalities are most welcome to apply
- BSc of Pharmacy, Science or Vet
- 0-2 years’ experience
Competencies & skills:
- Customer focus
- Results oriented
- Strong communication and presentation skills
If you are interested kindly send your updated C.V with a recent photo to " Careers@augpharma.com " mentioning the title & area in the subject
17 - طبيب بيطري (مدير رعاية بيطرية) في شركه دلتا مصر جروب ( قطاع الانتاج الحيواني )
تعلن شركه دلتا مصر جروب ( قطاع الانتاج الحيواني ) عن حاجتها الى :
- طبيب بيطري (مدير رعاية بيطرية)
• حاصل علي بكالوريوس علوم بيطرية.
• خبرة فى مجال رعاية الابقار من خمس الى عشر سنوات
خبرة في التعامل مع السونار
• العمل بطريق مصر اسكندريه الصحراوى بمزارع الشركه
• يتوفر اقامه كامله شاملة 3 وجبات
• مرتبات مجزىة،تامينات، ترقيات ، زيادات سنوية.
للتواصل ارسال السيرة الذاتية على الايميل Jobs@deltamasrgroup.com مع ذكر اسم الوظيفة المقدم اليها فى خانة الموضوع أو من خلال التليفون 01064487922 او 01050592113
18-R&D officer (Packaging & Development) At Dabur Egypt
Dabur Egypt LTD. World largest ayurvedic company is hiring:
R&D officer (Packaging & Development)
Assists in New Product Development and upgrade existing designs.
Undertake long-term and short-term projects for developing innovations in primary and secondary packaging.
Prepares and maintains different documents such as BOM, Specifications, Artwork copy, Shade card, and Packaging software such as (Mold/Artwork management systems) as well as packaging instructions.
Undertake new/existing mold commissioning process till finalization & documentation.
Attend online proofing at the supplier end for NPDs and existing Products (MKTG), technical Artwork, and (existing new designee) files to be circulated between Purchase and marketing.
Benchmarks against same or similar products in domestic and international markets.
Performs routine functions of conducting trials, checks, and approvals besides coordinating with units for first batch production and obtaining and provides feedback.
Provides backward integration for Marketing.
Selects vendors based on providing goods at the best quality along with cost benefits.
Requirements & Skills:
Bachelor's degree preferred in chemistry or any relevant degree from a reputable university.
Minimum 3-5 years of experience in FMCG and Minimum 2 years in packaging function.
Very Good command of both written and spoken English language
Experience in ERP system – SAP is preferable.
Excellent Microsoft Office skills
Work context
Normal working conditions in the factory of the company
Working hours: 08:30 Hours including 60 minutes break
Location: Factory of Dabur, 10th of Ramadan City, Egypt
Days off: Friday and alternative Saturday’s every week
Apply NOW & send your updated resume to: