, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Credit Review Assistant Manager At Arab Bank

Credit Review Assistant Manager At Arab Bank

 Credit Review Assistant Manager At Arab Bank

Credit Review Assistant Manager At Arab Bank

Cairo, Egypt


Review & assess credit reports submitted by the business lines based on respective policies, procedures and approved authority matrix.
Recommend the (Approval/Rejection) of credit requests to the respective credit committee.
Implement the credit rating / scoring system(s) and ensure it is upgraded timely in line with country credit head guidelines.
Provide feedback / recommendations to country credit head regarding credit policies and procedures.
Implementing the country credit review process based on country credit set policies & procedures.
Generating executive summary reports for complex transactions.   .
Accessing and evaluating financial data and proposed facilities structure.


5-7 years experience in banking, of which 5 years experience in Credit issues and 2 years in a relevant business in a leading international/Regional Bank.
Thorough understanding of the full range of banking products and services
Fluency in English.
Analytical skills.
Check out this job at Arab Bank: 

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