, pub-2091334367487754, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Relationship Officer at alahli bank of kuwait ABK

Relationship Officer at alahli bank of kuwait ABK


Relationship Officer at alahli bank of kuwait ABK

Location: Smart Village Branch (EGY43), Egypt
Experience :From 0 to 4 years of banking experience

Job Purpose


Deliver high quality service to customers through providing banking service

Key Accountabilities

·        Sales Achieve sales targets covering all required banking products as per branch business objectives.


·        Sales opportunities Identify sales opportunities and utilize those to achieve customer efficiency.

·        Products Explain products and services to customers in order to achieve sales

·        Customer service Deliver high quality customer service and exceed satisfaction goals by reducing customer complaints

·        Complaints Resolve issues and complaints from customers; escalate issue when outside authority

·        Customer requests Process requests from existing and new customers and provide them with excellent service

·        Customer administration Send, receive and file confirmations and ensure transfers are properly processed

·        Customer records Create, update and maintain relevant customer records ensuring that data is recorded appropriately

·        Corporate governance Ensure all activities comply with corporate governance & regulatory/legal frameworks


Bachelor Degree or equivalent certification/experience


Apply here
